The new television presentation forums: which is the best?

August 1, 2022
No Responses

Since the closure of Robert J. Francis’s TV Live Forum on Sunday 31st July, there have been a number of potential successor forums that have sprung up.

A lot of members of TV Live Forum haven’t yet picked a place to join, so we’ve decided to give an overview of the various forums, and other discussion places, to pick from to discuss television presentation.

The following are ranked by membership numbers, from highest to lowest, as of the date of this post.

1. Pres Café

A MyBB-based Forum

Members: 350+

Admins / Owners: Andrew Wood and a collaboration of the TV Pres group of websites (including Clean Feed, TV Home, TV Whirl, and Andrew Wood’s The Ident Gallery)


  • TV Presentation
  • TV News / Sport Presentation
  • Radio Presentation
  • TV / Radio Programme Presentation and General Discussion
  • Online Presentation
  • Industry News and Technology
  • Feedback
The Pres Café logo, featuring the words "PRES CAFÉ" in blue, and a line drawing of a cup of steaming coffee,

Pres Café was set up by a collaboration between the TV Pres group of websites, and appears to have been spearheaded by Andrew Wood, a long-time and well respected member of the TV Presentation community.

Some of the lesser used sections of TV Live, including The Gallery and Requests have been excised from here, and new sections for Radio Presentation and specifically for Feedback have appeared.

Feedback by members has been taken into account and bug reports have been actioned quickly. Admins and Moderators are not named in order to protect them from abuse, though they were given coffee-based codenames after a request from a user in the feedback forum.

This forum has the greatest wealth of experience and time spent in the TV presentation community behind it, out of all of the new forums to spring up.

2. TV Talk Forum

A MyBB-based Forum

Members: 285+

Admins / Owners: Former TV Live Forum user “lepeterrr” and “Chris”


  • Presentation
  • Programmes
  • News
  • Streaming Services
  • Websites and Apps
  • Radio
  • Podcasts
  • The Gallery
  • Requests
The TV Talk Forum logo, a plain text logo with "TV" in a slightly more stylised font

TV Talk Forum is the result of a very early merger between Box Forum and TV Talk Forum. Lepeterrr is was a very recent user of TV Live Forum and is a member of the Roblox presentation community. Chris has not made it clear as to his connection to TV Live Forum, but may have been the user who decided to send a mass PM to all active users in order to try and drive traffic to the site.

The site has kept more of the forum categories from both TV Live Forum and TV Forum, with both The Gallery and Requests making an appearance. Moderators are named, so more recent TV Live Forum members Allanbuzzy (a.k.a. JetixFann450) and NancerOnTheTALKForum (with a couple of previous “Nancer” names) are on hand for that job.

Overall, the admins and moderators of this site do appear to be much less mature and experienced than the other sites featured here.

The forum has also continued the TV Live Forum “Verified User” status, though it is not clear how secure the data submitted to the site is, or who the people are involved in handling this data.

This appears to be the largest forum that features a Gallery section, so may prove popular among those who still wish to use this area.

3. TVArk Forum

A MyBB-based Forum

Members: 75+

Admins / Owners: The TVArk team, including Mark McMillan and Hayden Walker


  • Presentation
  • Programmes
  • News
  • Adverts
  • Public Information Films
  • TV Ark
  • Websites
TV Ark Forum logo, featuring the blue, red, and green TVArk sailing boat style logo, and two speech bubbles behind "Forum" in the same colour scheme

TVArk is likely the best known television presentation site in existence, with a prominent web presence over many years. TVArk used to have a forum in the past, and has taken this opportunity to launch a forum.

The sections are less numerous than some of the alternatives, and the site is clean – if a tad old-fashioned in layout.

Whilst it did launch after the closure of TV Live Forum, the link to TVArk has already brought in a number of members to join, and may well increase yet more when TVArk’s site relaunches completely… which may take a while!


4. Box Babble

A Discourse-based Forum

Members: 40+

Admins / Owners: Listed simply as “admin”


  • Channel Branding
  • Programmes and Content
  • Sport
  • The Newsdesk
  • Platforms
  • The Wireless
  • Talkback
The Box Babble logo, featuring four corners to a square, akin to a lens focusing symbol, next to the words Box Babble with a full stop at the end.

This is the second attempt for Box Babble, which first appeared when TV Forum was closing. It uses the open-source Discourse as the forum software, giving a modern layout that differs from the other forums featured so far.

The site owner is currently anonymous, posting admin-related functions from their Admin account. It appears the site has been reset since the previous attempt, so the membership figures do appear to be current.



A subreddit on Reddit


Members: 35+

Admins / Owners: The sole moderator of the Subreddit is the user “tvpf”


  • TV Presentation
  • TV Programmes
  • TV News Programming
  • Websites
  • Gallery
  • Broadcasting
  • Radio
  • TVPF
The TVPF logo, featuring the letters T and V inside BBC-style blocks.

Several users on TV Live Forum expressed a desire to move to a Reddit-based discussion platform. TVPF has “sections” that are flagged with post flairs, so does appear to be shoehorning a more traditional forum format into how Reddit runs.

However, it appears the subreddit has seen little activity since launching.

Hopefully this guide will give you some idea on where to join next if you haven’t already, and where perhaps you could avoid.

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